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"She Is Original" on the front side...
"Be Strong" on one side and...
"Be Happy" on one side and...
"Be Free" on one side and...
"You Are Loved" on one side and...
"Fall Seven Times, Stand Up Eight" on the front side...
"You Are Here" on the front side...
Perfect for St. Patty's Day or any day...
"O, Let Your Dreams Take Flight" on the front side...
"Grow Strong" on the front side...
This kitschy, retro lass is ready for anything...
A colorful, vintage burlesque dancer delivers tons of charm...
Two simple words, "Inspire" and "Create..."
This whimsical nature-inspired jewelry charm...
Cherry blossoms and a bee in flight...
"Fear Not" is the apt message atop the King of the Jungle...
"Imagine" on the front side...
"Bee Your Own Kind of Beautiful" on the front side...
"Courage" front side...
"Inhale. Exhale. Repeat" on the front side...
"Don't Quit Your Day Dream" on the front side...
A courageous frog offers up a platter of pink blossoms...
"Brave Girl" on the front side...
"Brave" on the front side...
"Free Indeed" on the front side...
Vintage postal illustration of running dog with letter on the front side...
Fondly reminiscent of a needlepoint sampler...
Calling all high achievers. Are you one, or do you know one?...
"Just Remember, Not All Who Wander Are Lost" on the front side...
"Follow Your Heart" on the front side...
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